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8088 Assembler and Tracer Toolkit Download Keys: The Benefits and Challenges of Working with 8088 As


From caen!!chemabs!lvirden Sat Aug 21 15:00:58 EDT 1993Article: 635 of comp.sys.apple2.programmerNewsgroups: comp.sys.apple2.programmer,comp.sys.apple2,comp.lang.miscPath: caen!!chemabs!lvirdenFrom: (Larry W. Virden)Subject: The Apple II Programmer's Catalog of Languages and ToolkitsMessage-ID: Followup-To: comp.sys.apple2.programmerSummary: An attempt at a historical look at the Apple II programmingenvironmentOriginator: lwv26@lwv26awsKeywords: programming languages, Apple II, Apple II+, Apple IIe, Apple IIc, Apple IIc+, Apple (Mark Fisher - alternative address), (Austin Phelps - Delphi archiver), (Soenke Behrens - GEnie archiver)Sender: lvirden@cas.orgReply-To: (Larry W. Virden)Organization: Chemical Abstracts ServiceDate: Wed, 18 Aug 1993 16:51:59 GMTLines: 1732Xref: caen comp.sys.apple2.programmer:635 comp.sys.apple2:60959 comp.lang.misc:13686The Apple II Programmer's Catalog of Languages and ToolkitsArchive-Name: AppleIICatalogVersion: 2.6Last Updated: August 18, 1993------------------------------Introduction------------------------------I would appreciate the following information from those of youout there who know the answers. Please send electronic replies to"Larry W. Virden" .Product name:Language:Hardware requirements:Operating system requirements:If applicableCompany name:Company address:Company phone number:Company email address:Electronic file access info:Otherwise:Author name:Author address:Author phone number:Author email address:Electronic file archive host access (ftp, email, commercial, etc.) info:Legend:(+) = share/freeware [available via FTP])------------------------------Current 8 bit based programming languages------------------------------ Assembly1. HyperC(+), ftp from*/*or has a rather complete assembler supportinginclude files, macros, library creation and postlinking of files into the program. Output is of coursecompatible with the HyperC C compiler.2. Lisa(+), ftp from*Author: Randall HydeOriginally sold by: Laser Systems and then HAL Labs.Last Contact info:HAL Labs18942 DallasPerris, CA 923703. Merlin 8/16 Plus, Merlin 16 Plus (version 4.08)by Glen BredonCommercial, sold by Southwestern Data Systems (Roger Wagner).Merlin 8 - DOS 3.3Merlin 8 - ProDOS, //gs, 128k //e, Laser 128, or 128EXMerlin 16 - ProDOS, 65802/65816 + aboveMerlin 16 Plus- GS/OS, IIgsCan assemble code for 6502, 65c02, 65802/65816. Macros, conditional assembly, file inclusion,line editor for Merlin 8, full screen editor for Merlin16/16 Plus. Linkers allow large programs to be assembled.Assembly is done in memory or to disk for large single moduleprograms. Libraries can be used. Relocation of code is easy.Merlin 16(Plus) uses 65802/65816 code to run faster.Merlin can generate code for 6502,65c02, 65802, and65816 chips.Company:Roger Wagner Publishing IncAddress:1050 Pioneer Way, Suite PEl Cajon, CA 92020 USAPhone:+1 619 442 0522 Customer Service / Tech SupportCost: US $99 from Resource Central some time back.Utilities to convert to/from Merlin and Orca/M are possibly available - check the Resource Central catalog.Additional utilities - Sourceror (a co-resident disassembler),Applesoft source listing generator (which uses the ROMs inyour computer), cross-reference listing generator.4. ORCA/Mby Mike Westerfield or on GEnie asBYTEWORKS.This is a commercial package, sold by ByteWorks.Surely someone can provide me with more specifics here!5. Product name: ProDOS ASSEMBLY TOOLS Language: Assembler Hardware requirements: Apple II, 64K, 1 Disk drive (Minimun) Apple //e, 80 column, printer, second disk drive Operating system requirements: ProDOS Company name: Apple ComputerProDOS version of EDASM. Includes Editor, Assembler,Bugbyter debugger and relocating loader. It was sold byApple as a Workbench series tool, laterly included inthe APDA catalog (#K2SPAT), it passed to the ResourceCentral catalog (DA-005, $35.00, May 1992)6. Product name: ProDev 6502 Debugger Hardware: Apple //e or IIgsProDevP.O. Box 162Lasalle, Michigan 481451 (313) 848-4012Price: $149.95Sold by Resource Central (PD-001, $189.00 in a 1990ish catalog)Resource CentralP.O. Box 11250Overland Park, KS 66207(913) 469-65027. Mini-assembler/disassemblerOriginally available as a part of Apple's Integer BASIC ROMpackage. No labels - but was usable.On an ENHANCED ][e, IIgs and perhaps other models, enter theMonitor, and type a '!' to enter it (no $F666G call needed!). On any 64k ][ under DOS 3.3, or any Apple ][ (NOT ][+/e/c/gs)with ProDOS or DOS 3.3, simply enter Integer BASIC, then call the Monitor, then use the $F666G call.------------------------------ BASIC1. Applesoft (built-in to your computer!). This version of BASIC was written by Microsoft. Thefirst version of this BASIC appeared in cassette formin 1977. In 1978, numberous bugs were fixed and newcommands added to Applesoft BASIC, resulting in versiontwo of the software. It appeared in cassette, floppy,firmware card, language card and mother board romformats.Applesoft II was distributed on the motherboard of all Apple IIs since the Apple II+ in 1979. Additional bug fixes and enhancements were made for the Applesoft II thatappeared on the Apple IIe, IIe enhanced ROMs, IIc, andIIgs. This can be extended with several commercial and non-commercial applications. To speed Applesoft up,Beagle Compiler, available through Quality Computers.This compiles the Applesoft interpreted file intoa faster, though larger, file. To add commands to ApplesoftGlen Bredon's ProCMD (required ProDOS 8).Kitchen Sink Software, Inc.'s orgforsyth@magnus.acs.ohio-state.eduApple IIe (unenhanced or higher), 64k.Subsequent Apple II models.ProDOS 8.Canam Software's AmperPlus(+)Available on Compuserve's Apple Programmerlibrary. Uploaded by 76475.204@compuserve.comSource code is in Merlin assembler format.I cannot tell whether program is truelyfreely distributable or not.Doublestuff! Plus. Contains a language-card version of Applesoft, modified toprovide commands for using thedouble-hi-res Apple ][e screen. Modifications include drivers to get drawings tolook right, and upgrades in syntax to allow commands like"HCOLOR=15:HPLOT 0,0 TO 559,192".Author: UnknownAvailability: Unknown2. Micol BASICMicol Advanced BASIC Apple IIe/c version 4.5 $59.95Micol Systems9 Lynch RoadWillowdale, OntarioCanada M2J2V6(416) 495 6864Still actively supporting the Apple II product. A new upgradeis now available and at least one more upgrade is beingdeveloped. Features a 200 page 8.5 x 11 inch manual.------------------------------ C1. HyperC(+)ftp from*/*or C - Any II with an 80-column card. (out-of-the box only generates native code fora 6502. 65c02 translation available, this and othersupport is all user-contributed.)Requires Prodos 8. any version.Producer was WSM Group, Tucson, Arizona, which nowappears to be defunct. Copyright status == shareware,but it's state is somewhat questionable as there is noknown address where one can send shareware fees.Heavy Usenet support -- forquestions and discussion. To join, send email also appear in comp.sys.apple2 (andcomp.sys.apple2.programmers now)occasionally. Sourcecode and binaries appear incomp.source,binaries.apples occasionally as well.The Hyper C manual itself is pretty good, and a fair amount ofuser-contributed improvements are available.Contains some bitset and other Pascal-ism extentions.Work currently being done to support 65c02, 65802, and 65816 transparently.A portion of the product is an interpreter which works innative mode. All file and device I/O works in an emulationmode for compatibility.Some of the products being developed are an 8 bit QWKreader, a standard library, and an alternate OPIXoperating environment. A high resolution graphicslibrary is currently available - a double highresolution graphics library may be available in thenear future.Source code for the shell, libraries, etc. are available.An assembler (see above) is also included.This product does not support floating point numbers inthe standard C tradition, but does have a pre-processorand libc replacement to aid in performing floating pointoperations.An optimizer is supported by Anthony J. Stuckey Code to create ProDOS SYS files was written by Gary Desrochers and Andy Werner.2. Aztec C65DOS 3.3 and Prodos 8 versions available. K&R compatible.Product name: Aztec C65 Apple CommericalLanguage: CHardware requirements:Operating system requirements: ProDOS or DOS 3.3Company name: Manx Software SystemsCompany address: P.O. Box 980, Freehold, NJ 07728Company phone number: (800) 221-0440 (orders only) (201) 542-2121 (inquiries)Package appears to still be available, but no furthermodifications are planned by the company.As of 1992/01/24, the pricing was $199.00 + $5.00 S&Hfor the ProDOS version.Anyone have any pricing updates?3. Small CSold commercially by ByteWorks.Comes as add-on package to ORCA/M and ORCA/M GS assemblers.------------------------------ Communications related packages1. METAL+ (Mega Extensive Telecommunications Applications Language), 1989Language: assembled via Merlin 16 Plus AssemblerHardware requirements: Apple IIe, c, or gs w/128kand at LEAST 800k disk storage.Operating system requirements: ProDOS 8Company name: Wilson WaresOriginal Author name: TC WilsonNow available from ftp site email to andread alt.bbs.metal for more details.METAL is a telecommunications application compiled language.Main purpose is to run BBS software, but can be used towrite terminal programs, program launchers, and databasesoftware. The METAL compiler can compile ACOS, MACOS,and LLUCE code with little modification needed.One of the primary pieces of software written in METAL isthe FutureVision BBS system.2. Talk is Cheap!Has a programmable script language which some have usedto write front ends to services such as Compuserve.This is a commercial package sold by Quality Computers.Thanks to for the following blurb. Quality Computers not only sells Apple II products, but maintains a list of user groups and publishes an informative newsletter geared towards educators (called Enhance). To get a QC catalog and a free subscription to Enhance, just call or write. Quality Computers (800) 777-ENHAnce 20200 E. 9 Mile Road (313) 774-7200 (International) Box 665 (313) 774-2698 (FAX) St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 (313) 774-7740 (Technical Support) Internet: (Jerry Kindall). (tech support department) GEnie: (after July 1, 1993) AOL: CompuServe: (need CompuServe number???)I would recommend checking with these folk to see if anyof the commercial products mentioned in this guide are available.Quality Computers, Resource Central, and The Big Red AppleClub are probably the three primary sources of commercial softwarefor Apple II owners.Big Red Computer Club423 Norfolk AvenueNorfolk, NE 68701-5234(402) 379-4680Membership is $19.95/year U.S., Canada, or Mexico. Other countries are$35.95/year to allow for airmail postage.Visa/Mastercard accepted.You save the membership real quick since most wares are $5 cheaper formembers.They have a ton of public domain stuff in addition to the "classics"you asked about.------------------------------ FORTH 1. GraFORTH(+) (DOS 3.3 only)(freely distributable, available on GEnie)2. Mad Apple Forth(+)ftp from*3. Purple Forth(+)ftp from Q Forth(+) version 2.0 Alpha 1.0, by Toshiyasu Morita,email address from is a small integer Forth.------------------------------ FORTRAN1. Cabot FORTRAN 77Runs on Apple I(?), IIgs, Mac, MS-DOS, CP/M and Unix boxes.Claims the 'worldwide software licence (sic) for softwareproducts developed by the University of California, San Diego(UCSD).Address:The VicarageStoke View RoadFishpondsBristol BS16 3AEEngland UKTelephone:00 44 272 586644Fax:00 44 272 586023BBS:00 44 272 583023Compuserve address:100014,241------------------------------ Logo1. LCSI LOGO, LCSI Apple LOGO, LCSI Terrapin LOGOInformation needed. How does LCSI Terrapin LOGO differfrom the Terrapin LOGO below - or does it?2. LOGO PLUSLanguage:LOGOHardware requirements:128K Apple II family, IIgsOperating system requirements:ProDOSPrice:$120(upgrades, quantity discounts,site licenses available)Company name:Terrapin Software, Inc.Company address:400 Riverside Street, Portland, ME 04103-1068Company phone number:1-800-972-8200 (FAX 1-207-797-9235)Company email address:Electronic file access info:Date of info:Terrapin catalog Winter/Spring 1993 issue3. Terrapin LOGO/AppleLanguage:LOGOHardware requirements:64K Apple II familyOperating system requirements:DOS 3.3Price:$100(quantity discounts,site licenses available)Company name:Terrapin Software, Inc.Company address:400 Riverside Street,Portland, ME 04103-1068I also was told that this was the address:Terrapin, Inc.380 Green StreetCambridge, MA 02139(617) 492-8816Company phone number:1-800-972-8200 (FAX 1-207-797-9235)Date of info:Terrapin catalog Winter/Spring 1993 issue------------------------------ Pascal 1. Cabot PascalRuns on Apple I(?), IIgs, Mac, MS-DOS, CP/M and Unix boxes.Claims the 'worldwide software licence (sic) for softwareproducts developed by the University of California, San Diego(UCSD).Address:The VicarageStoke View RoadFishpondsBristol BS16 3AEEngland UKTelephone:00 44 272 586644Fax:00 44 272 586023BBS:00 44 272 583023Compuserve address:100014,2412. Kyan Pascal Product name: Kyan Pascal Language: ISO standard Pascal Hardware requirements: Operating system requirements: Company name: Kyan Software Inc Company address: 1850 Unio Street #183, San Francisco, CA 94123 Company phone number: (415) 626-2080 Company email address: Electronic file access info: Date of info - 19863. Apple PascalApple Pascal version 1.1 was released in 1980.Version 1.2 was released in 1983.Version 1.3 was the last release back in 1985.This language had its own unique operating system.It came with a compiler, a very good assembler and a linker.Various toolkits were available for this langauge.For instance, one package was called Applegraphicswhich provided a set of routines for creatinghigh resolution graphics from any of the UCSD environment'slangauges.It is still being sold by Resource Central.Resource CentralP.O. Box 11-501Overland Park, KS USA 66207Phone: (913) 469-6502Fax: (913) 469-6507Product code DA-024. US $69 (plus postage).Includes 5 5.25" and one 3.5" floppy disks, and 6 largemanuals, so air-mail postage will be quite expensive.The given price includes surface mail postage.------------------------------ Shells1. Davex(+) - Prodos 8 shell environment, which permits limitedshell programming. Executable available on most AppleFTP archive sites.2. ECP 8(+) - Prodos 8 shell environment, which permits limitedshell programming. Source and executable available on mostApple FTP archive sites.3. Proton Command Shell (PCS)(+)Language: Shell (very limited), Proton Programming Language,AssemblerHardware requirements: any apple II, 80 col, 64K (128K or HD recommended)Operating system requirements: Prodos 8Shareware: $20Author name: Brian D. CampbellAuthor address: 16034 N. 30 Ave. Phoenix AZ 85023Author phone number: (602) 866-1011Author email address: gtephx!campbellb@enuucp.eas.asu.eduElectronic file archive host access info: N/ANotes:PCS is a shell environment and provides many tools...AssemblerCompiler for the Proton Programming LanguageSimple shell script capabilityFile compareFile/directory copyDirectory catalogFull Screen EditorFile text find------------------------------ Word Processing packages1. TimeOut UltraMacros (AppleWorks oriented add on macro language)Sold by Quality Computers, requires AppleWorks (not AW GS).2. Ultra 4, 1.1 (AppleWorks extended UltraMacros package)Originally by JEM, rights have been transferred to Quality Computers.3. WPL(+) (word oriented language internal to DOS 3.3 and ProDOSAppleWriter)ProDOS AppleWriter 2.1 is available as a freely distribuable download on GEnie.------------------------------ Misc1. CEEMAC(+) Author: Brooke W BoeringDate: Jan 1982Company: Vagabondo Enterprises 1300 E Algonquin -3G Schaumburg, ILand later in 1986 or 1987,135 Stephen RdAptos, CA 95003Software put into the public domain 3/18/87.A DOS 3.3 graphics language which is a part of agraphics/sound program. It was an early Electronic Artsprogram according to one correspondent (Richard McCusker).Later correspondents correctly pointed me to Brooke Boeringand Vagabondo Enterprises.The basic concept in CEEMAC was the programmer wrote scores ofgraphics and sounds which were then performed.The language used tables of values (sin, cos, tan) to createcureves, and it also allowed the programmer to use shapes.There were macros that produced dots, boxes, color, sound,and more. It allowed you to anchor a curve at one endand move the other end around. It also allowed you to setthe symmetry of the 'score'.Here is a sample score:SCORE: KT :FIRE ORGAN KEY T SPEED [0,0] : - BUT 0 0 CLEAR [0,0] XY1 = $80;$80 : MAIN LOOP F :FORGND SYMMETRY 0-3 VC = RND3 ORA 3 : SAVE FORGND ROTATION VD = ROTEZ :FORGND COLOR COLOR = NXTCOLI believe this is on some of the Internet archives.There are several related disks here.1. An application written in CeeMac by the author called Fire Organ. 2. the CeeMac disk itself.3. Maestro4. A 'third party' disk of CeeMac programs called Sparkee. There was also a CEEMAC newsletter. Any more info that you might have would be appreciated.2. KeyLISP For the Apple ][ (64K required)Company: XPrime CorpAuthor: Gerard P. MichonAddress: 10835 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025-4656Tel: (310) 470-4663ISBN: 0-937185-00-0 For Book and Software Package ($149)ISBN: 0-937185-01-9 For Reference Manual Only ($39.95)Works on all versions of the Apple from 64k Apple ][ through Apple IIgs. The reference manual, with index, is 410 pages and is quite complete.Retail: $149 w/book$110 w/o bookSale:$50 w/o bookBook:$39 (It is the manual and as such is needed)3. Product name: MICRO DYNAMO Hardware requirements: Apple II+, //e ..., two drives Operating system requirements: Pascal Operating System Company name: Addison-Wesley Apple II version of Dynamo simulation language. Runs under the Pascal System.More information needed.4. Product name: MICRO PROLOG Language: Prolog. (AI Language) Hardware requirements: Apple II (+,e,c,GS) Company name: Logic Programming Associates (defunct?) Prolog interpreter for 3 sintaxes: Micro, Simple, Mitsi. With interactive program editor, tracer/debugger, optimizing (tail recursion), error handler, graphics and sound. Still sold in 1990.4. pidgen(+)ftp from*Published in Dr. Dobbs Journal. 5. Product name: Apple SUPER PILOT Language: PILOT (Author's Language for Computer Assisted Instruction) Hardware requirements: Minimum: Apple II or II+, 48K, one disk drive for Lesson mode or two disk drives for Author mode Operating system requirements: Pascal Operating System (?) Company name: Apple Computer Apple SUPER PILOT is an improved version of Apple PILOT, with changes in the Graphics Editor, the Lesson Text Editor (lowercase), the Utility Programs, language extensions and operating system extensions.It is sold by Resource Central (DA-004, $69.00, July 1992)6. tinman(+)Published in Dr. Dobbs Journal, by the author pidgen. Oneof these was a macro language. One of the two languageswas used to implement the other. I will have to dig outthe details on these.------------------------------GS specific languages.------------------------------ Assembler1. APW Assembler Was available through APDA, then by Resource Central.written by Mike Westerfield and based on ORCA/M.2. Cabot Software Systems Assembler Power System,Cabot Software Ltd., England65816 macro set and ProDOS 16 GS/OS3. Merlin 8/16 PlusSold by Roger Wagner 4. MPW IIgs assemblerMacintosh Programmer Workshop package which allows cross-developement for the Apple IIgs.Information needed.5. ORCA/M GS available through ByteWorks.------------------------------ BASIC 1. GS-BASICApple's Apple IIgs BASIC interpreter.Was available through APDA, then Resource Central.2. Integer BASIC compilerAvailable from ByteWorks. This runs on the IIgs andproduces IIgs code. Includes source code and a smallbook on compilers that explains the Integer BASICcompiler.3. MD BASIC, v2.xAvailable thru Morgan Davis Group.A preprocessor for Applesoft BASIC. The resultingBASIC code can run in non-GS Applesoft environments.This is NOT a BBS specific language.Besides preprocessing, it does optimization and allowsbetter syntax, such as long variable names, while loops,etc.4. Micol Advanced BASIC GS (version 4.2 supposedly available now)Version 5.0 supposedly in development.See above for address, phone number. Note that this packageis carried by Quality Computers.List Price: $159------------------------------ C1. ORCA/C available through ByteWorks.This is a version of ANSI C.2. MPW IIgs C compilerMacintosh Programmer Workshop package which allows cross-developement for the Apple IIgs.This is a version of K&R C.Information needed.------------------------------ Editors------------------------------ Pascal1. Complete (formerly TML) Pascal, 2.0I have gotten an email from one user who documents anumber of problems attempting to get an update of thisproduct. I have yet to be able to get other informationabout it. I would recommend avoiding this productuntil further info is available.2. ORCA/Pascal 2.0Byteworks (see previous address info).Up to version 1.4, ISO/Pascal with extensions such asstring handling.As of Version 2.0, some object-oriented abilities wereadded.Could someone provide more info, pricing, etc.?3. MPW IIgs PascalMacintosh Programmer Workshop package which allows cross-developement for the Apple IIgs.Information needed.------------------------------ Misc1. ECP 16(+) - Prodos 16 shell environment, which permits limitedshell programming. Source and executable available on mostApple FTP archive sites.2. FORTRAN to C conversionLanguage: FORTRAN (to C)Hardware requirements: Memory and disk space.:-)Operating system requirements: System 6.0 and beyond.Software requirements: Some IIgs C compiler.Author name: Gary F. DesrochersAuthor address: 17752 W. 14th Ave. Apt #3 Golden CO 80401Author phone number: 303-279-7948Author email address: Looking into legal issues right now. Also fixing many (many) bugs.2. GS 16 FORTH II, Version II (+)ftp from available on GEnie.Author: Warren Stone, GSF (?)Hardware requirement: Apple IIgs, 768kOperating system requirement: GS/OS 5.0A 16 bit FORTH implementation able to make use of the GSToolbox. Includes assembler, full screen editor.3. GScheme(+)This is Scheme for the IIgs.Author: Jawaid BazyarCompany name: Procyonftp from HyperCard GS, 1991Apple's Apple II version of the popular Macintosh application.Published by Apple.Part number A0027LL/ACost: $69Contains a programming language called HyperTalk. Thisis a IIgs implementation which is quite source code compatibleto the Macintosh HyperCard's HyperTalk.There are also a few programming kits for HyperCard GS.Available through Resource Central, Quality Computers, etc.5. HyperStudio, 1989Roger Wager, Inc.'s popular hyper application for the Apple IIgs. Contains a programming language.There are also a few programming kits for HyperStudio.6. Pecan Power Systems FORTRAN, 1987(Pecan bought out by Cabot Software Ltd. See above.)Ran under ProDOS 16 (GS/OS), but its UCSD file systemwas implemented within a single ProDOS file.More information needed.7. MicroEmacs(+) GS/OS text editor which has programmable scripting language.8. Cabot Software Systems Modula-2,(Was Pecan Modula-2.)Runs on Apple I(?), IIgs, Mac, MS-DOS, CP/M and Unix boxes.Claims the 'worldwide software licence (sic) for softwareproducts developed by the University of California, San Diego(UCSD).Address:The VicarageStoke View RoadFishpondsBristol BS16 3AEEngland UKTelephone:00 44 272 586644Fax:00 44 272 586023BBS:00 44 272 583023Compuserve address:100014,2419. MPW ToolsInformation needed.10. Little Smalltalk(+)Ported in 1993 to the Apple IIgs by (Al Belyea).11. XLISP-PLUS 2.1e(+)Language: LispHardware requirements: Apple IIGS, at least 500kB free RAMOperating system requirements: shell program (GNO/ME, ORCA, ...)Author name: David Michael Betz, Tom Almy et al.Author address:Tom Almy17830 SW Shasta Trail,Tualatin, OR 97062, USA.Author phone number: n/aAuthor email address:, toma@sail.labs.tek.comElectronic file archive host access info:posted to comp.binaries.apple2. Unix/MS-DOS source codeavailable from .Porter: ------------------------------Other hardware development environmentsThe cards I had in mind listing here would be those for whichsome advantageous programming environment was provided oranticipated. Thus, I didn't plan on listing all of the serialI/O cards, etc. If you feel programmers would benefit fromsome hardware card being listed, be sure to send me somedetailed information here. You can see that this is justa new idea here and I need help fleshing it out.------------------------------ 65802Available for older Apples and Apple clones whichwere still stuck with the 6502. Software such asMerlin assembler provide some amount of support forthe 802 and 816 chips. 68091. Stellation TwoOS/9 Level 1 was one of the operating systems available. 680001. Stellation TwoI don't remember if OS/9 or some other operating systemwas available for this one. 8088Ability to run MS-DOS gives programmers access to another baseof development and application software.1. Applied Engineering 8088 CardInformation needed on availability. Z-80Ability to run CP/M gives programmers access to another baseof development and application software. Once one gets one ofthese, then many CP/M programs are possible. One problem isgetting the software in a format which is READABLE by theCP/M card though! Some companies carried the 5.25" Applesector format though.1. MicroSoft Softcard CP/M CardInformation needed on availability.Note that FORTRAN, COBOL and BASIC were available fromMicrosoft in Apple 5.25" disk formats.2. Applied Engineering Z-80 CardInformation needed on availability.Note that Applied Engineering's CP/M package, called Ibelieve CP/AM, supposedly ran on any MicroSoft SoftCarework-alike (like AE's Z80+ or Z80c, and the Z-RAM Ultra 3).3. Clone cardsInformation needed on availability. Misc1. Faster Floating Point CardsThere were several - someone want to send me details?No unique programming environments but can make SANEprocessing bearable in some cases.A. Innovative SystemsWill Troxell, contact.FPE (Floating Point Engine)PO Box 444Severn Park, MD 21144-0444(301) 987-8688Apple II 68881 math co-processor, speeds up Appleworks,Applesoft and many IIgs applications.Package is available from Resource Central.B. Applied EngineeringFastMath cardInformation needed.2. CPU accelerationThese are primarily faster 65816 or other similarchips. A programmer's programming environment isnot extended, but made bearable.Applied Engineering series of cardsZip series of cardsOthers?3. Graphics display cardsWould provide programmer with unique visual capabilities.Has there been even one actually shipped?4. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) cardsHas there been even one actually shipped?AIIdsp - being developed by Ken Poppleton. Operates on aApple IIs with expansion slots, using the DSP 56001. No meaningful programs using it yet.GS/DSP - was being developed by Pete Snowberg. He was usinga 34010.5. Virtual Memory Management cardThis one was advertised in CALL-A.P.P.L.E for severalmonths, but I don't know if it ever shipped. I don'thave the details handy at this time. Can someone helpme out here?I know that it provided an enhanced BASIC which hadextended arrays, etc.6. Sound cardsWould provide programmer with unique audio capabilities.Some programming packages may take advantage of having oneof these boards available.Mockingboard, Phasor, MDIdeas Stereo digitization andsynthesis, Sonic Blaser, Audio AnimatorMIDISound synthesisVoice synthesis7. BSR X-10 controller cardWould provide programmer control over household managementof devices.8. Media control devicesCD-ROMVCROther------------------------------Historical 8 bit based programming languages------------------------------ Assembly1. Product name: ALD System ][ Language: 6502 Assembly Hardware requirements: `intended for use in Apple ][ computers having 48K of Random Access Memory and an optional Apple ][ Language Card' Operating system requirements: DOS 3.3 Company name: Insoft Company address: 259 Barnett Rd. / Unit 3 Medford, OR 97501 Company phone number: (503) 779-2465 Author name: Copyright 1980, P. Lutus best quote: This is the System ][ manual. It won't teach you how to write Assembly Language programs (because it is finite in length).2. ASM/65Programma International3. Big Mac, Big Mac LCPredecessor to Merlin. Used to be available throughCALL-A.P.P.L.E.4. EAT (Edit and Assemble Text)Software Concepts - written in Integer BASIC5. EDASMAn assembler from Apple that came with the ApplesoftProgrammer's Assistant. It produces relocatable objectcode rather than B files. Came with its own line basededitor.Also was available on the Apple Toolkit disk.A debugger known as BugByter was also sold as a part ofvarious packages.6. Microproducts Assembler$39.95 back when it was being sold in the late 1970s.7. Randy's Weekend Assembler, 1978by Randy Wigginton. Written mostly in SWEET-16 16 bitemulator (package written by S. Wozniak and a part ofthe Integer BASIC ROM).8. SC Assembler II 8 bit assembler whose support has ceased due to the closingon the company. (In addition, he published a monthly newsletter,Apple Assembly Line, whch was published from 10/80 through 5/88.)Last known address:Author:Bob Sander-CedarlofAddress:P.O. Box 280300Dallas, Texas 75228Bob went to work for AE as a software engineer andmight still be available at the address/telephonenumber given above. It would be worthwhile for anyoneinterested in 6502 assembley language to buy the backissues to Apple Assembly Line.In addition to an assembler for the 6502 he offeredcross assemblers for:Motorola 6800, 1, 2, 8/6301, 6805 6809, 68HC11, 68000Mitsubishi 50740 seriesIntel 8048 & 8051 families, 8080/8085Zilog Z-80, Z8RCA 1802EC LSI-11General Inst GI-1650, GI-1670Sharp LH5801Most cross assemblers were available in both DOS 3.3and ProDOS format. 9. TED/ASM, 1978by Gary Shannon (and editor by Randy Wigginton)10. UCSD Pascal AssemblerPart of the Apple Pascal package. Was one of theearly assemblers with macros, conditional assembliesand able to generate relocatable code.------------------------------ BASIC1. Applesoft toolkitsApple's Applesoft Programmer's Assistant.Product from Apple. Came with an assemblercalled EDASM. Came with a series of ampersandcommands, but a high resolution charactergenerator that let you design your ownfonts and display them on the high resolutiongraphics screen using traditional PRINTstatements.Apple Programmer's Toolkit, which occupied the ROMspace left unused by Integer BASIC.Originally distributed as firmware as wellwell as Apple DOS 3.3 boot disks.Product name: SuperGraphics3-D Display System & Game Tool (by Bill Budge)Language: called via PRINT "%..." from Applesoft or Integer BASICHardware requirements: `Required are an Apple II with 48K of RAM and a minimum of 1 disk drive.'Operating system requirements: DOS 3.3 Author name: P. LutusAuthor address: Kerby, OregonAuthor phone number: 1980There was an Atari 800 version.2. Applesoft compilersProduct name: Microsoft TASC: The AppleSoft Compiler version 3.0Language: Basic compilerHardware requirements: Apple II+, //e, //cOperating system requirements: Company name: Microsoft, Inc.It can makes use of auxiliar memory on 128K ApplesWas available in 1985.3. Blankenship BASICInformation needed.4. Integer BASICThis BASIC was in the ROMs of the Apple II'first sold by Apple. When the Apple II+'s withApplesoft in the on-board ROMs started selling,Apple also sold a Firmware card which had IntegerBASIC in ROM on them.Steve Jensen sent email claiming that Integer BASIC canbe found in a file found on any Apple DOS 3.3 system disk.Steve says that it autoloads when you boot the DOS 3.3 disk.Certainly it can be autoloaded by executing an Integer BASIC program from that disk.There were many articles and books on Integer BASICpublished back in the 'olden days'. One of the bestsources of information was the Call-A.P.P.L.E.magazine, which published a lot of information on thelanguage.A.P.P.L.E. sold a relocatable RAM version of Integer BASICas Interger BASIC+.------------------------------ FORTH1. 6502 Forth 1.2Programma International.2. Apple Forth 1.6Cap'n SoftwareUsed a unique disk format.Information needed.3. FORTH IISoftape published this one. Ran on Apple II+, //e, etc.4. MicroMotion FORTH-79Language: FORTH (79-standard, with extensions)Hardware requirements: Apple II, 48k, 1 5.25" driveOperating System requirements: n/a (it has its own custom OS)Company name: MicroMotionCompany address:12077 Wilshire Boulevard, #506Los Angeles, CA 90025Company phone number: (213) 821-4340Doesn't seem to be GS-compatible, one at least one GS, itboots part-way, then freezes just before it prints thestartup banner. Works fine on an Apple IIe though.There appears to have been a second disk available at anextra cost containing floating-point arithmetic andhi-res graphics commands.5. MicroMotion MasterFORTHProduct name: MicroMotion MasterFORTHLanguage: FORTH (FORTH-83, with extensions)Hardware requirements: Apple II, 48K, 1 5.25" driveOperating system requirements: DOS 3.3Company name: MicroMotionCompany address:12077 Wilshire Boulevard, #506 Los Angeles, CA 90025Company phone number: (213) 821-4340MasterFORTH also had additional disks containingfloating-point and hi-res commands, which appear to have been sold separately.Both of these are fairly old packages...FORTH-79 is copyright 1980, and MasterFORTH is copyright 1984. ------------------------------ FORTRAN1. Apple FORTRAN, 1980.This compiler package ran under the UCSD environment and required the user to have purchased the run time package as available from the Apple Pascal package.It disappeared from Apple catalogs in 1986.Information needed.------------------------------ Logo1. Apple LogoRan under the UCSD operating system.Information needed.2. Apple Logo II, 1984Ran under ProDOS on 128k machines.Information needed.3. KRELL's LOGO for the Apple ][Proprietary but DOS 3.3 based OS.Required 48kAs of 1983, the address was:Krell Corporation1320 Stony Brook RoadStony Brook NY 11790Tel: 516-751-5139Produced as a part of a NSF grant by Stephen Hain,Leigh Klotz, and Patrick Sobalvarro. Supervised by Prof. Harold Abelson. Krell wrote some tutorials and packagedup their work. This version of Logo was also licensedby Terrapin and others. Contact the MIT Technology LicensingOffice ((617) 253-1000) for details on licensing MIT Logo.Info provided by "John Hale" ,Patrick Sobalvarro, Stephen Hain, Hal Abelson, etc.------------------------------ Pascal 1. Apple Instant Pascal (via Resource Central)Written by Think Technologies, sold by Apple. Ran onlyon the Apple IIc or 128k IIe machines. This was an interactive Pascal, designed for teaching the language.This Pascal ran under ProDOS.2. Tiny Pascal interpreterpublished by MUSE? back in the 1970s.Information needed.3. Pecan Power System's Pascal(Pecan bought out by Cabot Software Ltd.? See above)Information needed.------------------------------ PILOT1. Product name: Apple PILOT Language: PILOT (Author's Language for Computer Assisted Instruction) Hardware requirements: Minimum: Apple II or II+, 48K, one disk drive for Lesson mode or two disk drives for Author mode Operating system requirements: DOS 3.3? Company name: Apple Computer System to support program development for Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), based on COMMON PILOT, with color graphics, sound efects and a character set editor. It operates in two modes: Author, where the instructor creates lessons and stores them on a lessons disk, and Lesson, where the student uses the disk to take a lesson interacting with the computer. Product was replaced by the improved Apple SUPER PILOT.------------------------------ Misc1. muSIMPProduct name:muMATH-80Language:muSIMPHardware requirements:Apple II with 48KStandard disk drive in slot 6.16 sector disk controller board.Game paddles if graphics are to be used.Operating system requirements: ADIOS - a customized version of DOS.Company name:The Soft WarehouseCompany address:P.O. Box 11174Honolulu, HI 96828Description:Arbitrary precision math package, includes Lisp like language.Variable number base arithmetic (base 2 through base 36) Algebraic processing:Automatic simplification of expressionsExpansion of expressionsFactoring of expressionStep-by-step equation solvingLogarithmic and trigonommetric processingMatrix and array processingCalculus operations:DifferentiationIntegrationTaylor series expansionLORES Graphics outputUser defined functionsMicrosoft also sold a version of this with their name on thedocumentation.2. Product name: P-LISP Version 3.0Language: LispHardware requirements: Apple ][/][+Operating system requirements: DOS 3.3Company name:Pegasys Systems, Inc.Company address:4005 Chestnut StreetPhiladelphi, PA 19104Company phone number:(215) 387-1500(800) 523-0725Description:P-LISP is a nicely featured dynamically scoped Lisp.Features:car, cdratom, equal, number, null, quotecons, list, explode, implode, copy, concappend, rplaca, rplacd, apply, mapcaradd, sub, mult, div, greater, zero, length, intand, or, notsetq, set, put, get, remread, fread, prin1, print, chr, getchr, save, loadcall, peek, pokehtab, vtab, onerrdefine, lambda, flambda, cond, prog, progn, returngo, evaloblist, remobtrace, untracegr, text, color, plothgr2, hcolor, hplot, hto, draw, xdrawopenseq, appendseq, writeseq, readseqclosefile, close, openrnd, writernd, readrndwritefcn, readfcnIncludes structure editor.I also had a note about this one and a 'company' called Gnosis.Anyone have any more info about this? Pegasys is supposedly outof business - I don't know who owns this software now.3. PROMAL Product name: PROgrammers Micro Application LanguageLanguage: Written in a mix of assembler and PROMAL Hardware requirements: Apple IIe, Extended 80 col card or a IIc.Versions available for Commodore 64 and IBM PC.Operating system requirements: ProDOS 8.Company name: Systems Management AssociatesCompany address:3700 Computer DriveP.O. Box 20025Raleigh, NC 27619Company phone number: (919) 787-7703Company email address: N/AElectronic file access info: N/AAs far as I can determine, the Apple II versionis no longer an active product. Also note that the IIgs wasnever completely supported. This was a C-like language whichwas interpreted, came with a shell, and was source compatiblefor the most part between various architectures.------------------------------Historical GS based programming languages------------------------------ C1. APW C Previously available through APDA, then through Resource Central. Now discontinued.This was a version of K&R C.------------------------------Unconfirmed or future languages. Please provide more info.------------------------------AMACS- formerly commercal, shareware and now supposedly freewareimplementation of EMACS. More information, location, etc. needed.Written by a Brian Fox (or is it a shell that appeared with the Lisa assembler. I don't have anydetails on whether there was a shell language. At one time, theauthors were available on GEnie as HAL.LABS. See the entry onLisa for U.S. Postal Service address.APEX- an operating system for the Apple IIs with installable devicedrivers. Included an assembler, editor, and XPL, a high levelprogramming language. Was developed on the 6502 prior to the Apple II and was ported to it when the Apple first appeared. Developedat the Colarado School of Mines by Peter Boyles. At least availableat versions 1.8.BASICBeagle Basic - this was different from the Beagle Bros. Compiler.This package put Applesoft into RAM so that you could customizeit. You could rewrite error messages, rename Applesoft commands,etc. Support was present for new Applesoft commands suchas ELSE, HSCRN , SWAP, TONE, and enhanced features to things likeGOTO and GOSUB. Is it still available in some form?Pecan Power System BASIC. Pecan appears to have been bought out by Cabot Software Ltd. More info is needed as to whether thisproduct is still available.TML BASIC -- commercially sold IIgs version of BASIC.Product name: Z BASICLanguage: BASICHardware requirements: Apple ][,][+,//e,//c/IIGS64K for ProDOS128K for DOS 3.3Operating system requirements: DOS 3.3, ProDOS 8Company name:ZEDCOR, Inc.Company address:4500 East Speedway BoulevardSuite 22Tucson, Arizona 85712-5305Company phone number:(602) 795-3996(602) 881-8101(800) 482-4567 (Orders only)Description: Portable BASIC.Scalar Data types:integer+/- 32,767long integerE +/- 63single precisionE +/- 63long integer+/- 2,147,483,647extended double precisionE +/- 16,383string0 to 255 charactersUser defined functions and subroutines.Same program can be recompiled with no changes and run underMacintosh, MS-DOS, CPM/80, TRS-80, Kaypro, Apple ][, ][+, //e,//c, IIGS. This requires buying the compiler for the specifiedmachine.Can someone provide me with info as to whether ZEDCOR is stilldoing business, as well as info on pricing, versions, etc.?Otherwise:Author name:Author address:Author phone number:Author email address:Electronic file archive host access (ftp, email, commercial, etc.) info:Byteworks languages and toolsORCA/Debugger - I need more info on this item.Text based source level debugger. Works with any languagethat supports the ORCA-style intrusive COP debuggingmethod. ORCA/Disassembler - I need more info on this item.Assembler which works on plain binary or OMF files. Candisassemble ROMs.ORCA/BASIC - Some discussion of this occured on AOL severalyears ago, but I do not know if work ever began.ORCA/f2c - Some discussion of a Fortran 77 to C conversion toolbecoming available has occurred.ORCA/Logo - In development for Byteworks in conjuction withRoger Wagner's effort to use Logo in HyperStudio for Macs.ORCA/Modula-2 - In development for ByteWorks.Communications related packagesACOS - ProDOS 8 BBS LanguageLLUCE - ProDOS 8 BBS LanguageMACOS - a hacked version of ACOS.Design Master - I need some info on this item.A prototyping tool. This tool allows you to create Apple IIgsGS/OS 5.x/6.x resources interactively. It does not allow oneto modify existing resources.FORTH- C. K. Haun supposedly has written a shareware version of FORTHfor the Apple IIgs. Someone reports that this is available onGEnie.Illsys Systems is said to be selling a commercial version of FORTHfor the IIe and IIgs systems. Ads were seen in Nibble.An implementation of Fig-Forth was available at one time - cananyone provide me with details? I believe this was freeware.FORTH 79 - Information needed on an Apple II package by this name.I know there were several other packages which implemented FORTH79 - but I understand there was a package specifically calledFORTH 79.MVP-FORTH - can someone provide me more info on this?TransFORTH - wasn't this one sold by ALS?Foundation - I need some more info on this resource editor.Allows one to edit a few native resources.GNO - lots of languages being ported here, such as bison, flex, csh, ksh,gsscheme, xlisp, and perhaps even a c and c++ compiler. Noformal list has been submitted to me yet. I did find bison A Graphical Korn shell which will run on the GS is being developed.More details once the product is available.LISP- there was at least one micro LISP available written in IntegerBASIC back in the old days, as well as at least one commercial product.There was also some product called AppLisp which had the Winston andHorn LISP textbook included.MSHELL- some sort of shell. I don't know how programmable it was, whowrote it, whether it is/was available commercially, etc.MULISP/MUSTAR - MuLisp was a Z-80 based P-Code lisp compiler. MuStar wasan Artificial Intelligence Development System, including editorand debugger. Written by Microsoft.Nevada software - there were several packages by Ellis Computing, Inc. whichrequired the Z-80 card to use. These were called Nevada PILOT,Nevada Assembler and Nevada FORTRAN. Basically, they were standardCP/M products, but in a 5.25" Apple disk format.NPL- NonProcedural Language. 1980. A relational database language. "AnIntroduction to Nonprocedural Languages Using NPL", T.D. Truitt et al,McGraw-Hill 1983. Versions for Apple II, MS-DOS.OS/A+- Micom OS/A+ system, came with a very nice BASIC (very similar toAtari BASIC in the graphics area). The OS had Applesoft compatibility.Pascal- There is a rumor of a ProDOS based Apple Pascal - anyoneknow any details?PILE- Polytechnic's Instructional Language for Educators. Similar in use toan enhanced PILOT, but structurally more like Pascal withAwk-like associative arrays (optionally stored on disk).Distributed to about 50 sites by Initial Teaching AlphabetFoundation for Apple II and CP/M. "A Universal Computer AidedInstruction System," Henry G. Dietz & Ronald J Juels, Proc NatlEduc Computing Conf '83, pp.279-282.PILOT- a text based version written in Applesoft is mentioned in theApple History files.SC Macro Assembler IV - a DOS 3.3 macro assembler.SuperGraphics - SuperGraphics 3D Display System and Game ToolSome sort of PRINT "%" interface. More information needed.Tutor-Tech - a commercial hypertext development system which runs on 8 bitApple IIs.------------------------------Acknowlegements------------------------------Thanks to the following folk for maintaining copies of the catalog ontheir respective services, fielding and routing questions, etc.Mark Fisher - Compuserve.Austin Phelps - DelphiThanks to David Muir Sharnoff for providing ftp access for this catalog V is the major version level and L is the minor version level.Also, be sure to check out these Usenet groups for programming discussions:alt.bbs.metalThe METAL telecomm environment.alt.emulators.ibmpc.apple2AppleII emulators on IBM PCs, Amigas, Unix, etc.comp.binaries.apple2Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.comp.protocols.appletalkApplebus hardware & software.comp.sources.apple2Source code and discussion for the Apple2. (Moderated)comp.sys.apple2Discussion about Apple II micros.comp.sys.apple2.commApple II data communications.comp.sys.apple2.gnoThe AppleIIgs GNO multitasking environment.comp.sys.apple2.programmerProgramming on the Apple II.Some specialized groups are:bit.listserv.apple2-lApple II Binary and Source BITNET Mailing ??.pro.apple2.gsApple IIgs ?? ?? Apple II technical Apple II/Macintosh.uiuc.sys.apple2Apple II discussions.I would be happy to add other mailing list, Proline conference information, orFidonet conference type information if it would be submitted to me.This article is Copyright 1993 by Larry W. Virden. Permission is grantedfor free distribution of this article as long as all information withinit remains intact. No commercial use of the article is permitted withoutspecific permission of the author.-- :s :s Larry W. Virden INET: Personal: 674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-1614

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