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Traveller Pre Intermediate Test Booklet Test 5 Key: Step by Step Instructions and Solutions


[IllCode]* (variable names IllCode1 to IllCode6) What (else) is the matter with you?INTERVIEWER: RECORD FULLY. PROBE FOR DETAIL. 1 Cancer (neoplasm) including lumps, masses, tumours and growths and benign (non-malignant) lumps and cysts 2 Diabetes 3 Other endocrine/metabolic 4 Mental illness/anxiety/depression/nerves (nes) 5 Mental handicap 6 Epilepsy/fits 7 Migraine/headache 8 Other problems of nervous system 9 Cataract/poor eye sight/blindness 10 Other eye complaints 11 Poor hearing/deafness 12 Tinnitus/noises in the ear 13 Meniere's disease/ear complaints causing balance problems 14 Other ear complaints 15 Stroke/cerebral haemorrhage/cerebral thrombosis 16 Heart attack/angina 17 Hypertension/high blood pressure/blood pressure (nes) 18 Other heart problems 19 Piles/haemorrhoids incl. Varicose Veins in anus 20 Varicose veins/phlebitis in lower extremities 21 Other blood vessels/embolic 22 Bronchitis/emphysema 23 Asthma 24 Hayfever 25 Other respiratory complaints 26 Stomach ulcer/ulcer (nes)/abdominal hernia/rupture 27 Other digestive complaints (stomach, liver, pancreas, bile ducts, small intestine - duodenum, jejunum and ileum) 28 Complaints of bowel/colon (large intestine, caecum, bowel, colon, rectum 29 Complaints of teeth/mouth/tongue 30 Kidney complaints 31 Urinary tract infection 32 Other bladder problems/incontinence 33 Reproductive system disorders 34 Arthritis/rheumatism/fibrositis 35 Back problems/slipped disc/spine/neck 36 Other problems of bones/joints/muscles 37 Infectious and parasitic disease 38 Disorders of blood and blood forming organs and immunity disorders 39 Skin complaints 40 Other complaints 41 Unclassifiable 42 Complaint no longer present 99 Not answered/Refusal

IF AdviceBp = Yes THEN [adbpc] What other treatment or advice are you currently receiving because of your high blood pressure? PROBE: What else? CODE ALL THAT APPLY 1 Blood pressure monitored by GP/nurse [adbpc1] 2 Advice or treatment to lose weight [adpcc2] 3 Blood tests [adpcc3] 4 Change diet [adpcc4] 5 Stop smoking [adpcc5] 6 Reduce stress [adpcc6] 7 Other (RECORD AT NEXT QUESTION) [adpcc7] 8 EDIT ONLY: Lifestyle in general [adpcc8]

traveller pre intermediate test booklet test 5 key

IF Nurse = Refused nurse contact THEN [NurseRe]* RECORD REASON WHY RESPONDENT REFUSED NURSE CONTACT. CODE BELOW AND RECORD AT G1 ON A.R.F 0 Own doctor already has information [NurseRe1] 1 Given enough time already to this survey/expecting too much [NurseRe2] 2 Too busy, cannot spare the time (if Code 1 does not apply) [NurseRe3] 3 Had enough of medical tests/medical profession at present time [NurseRe4] 4 Worried about what nurse may find out/'might tempt fate' [NurseRe5] 5 Scared/of medical profession/ particular medical procedures (eg blood sample) [NurseRe6] 6 Not interested/Can't be bothered/No particular reason [NurseRe7] 7 Other reason (specify) [NurseRe8]

ASK SELECTED ADULT 16 + [Qcan2] SHOW CARD Q22 What are the main ways a woman can protect herself against cervical cancer? CODE UP TO TWO ANSWERS ONLY. 1 Vaccination [Qcan21] 2 Screening (a smear test) [Qcan22] 3 Taking more exercise [Qcan23] 4 Losing weight [Qcan24] 5 (None of these) [Qcan25] 6 Other [Qcan26]

[Atts4] Once a new sexual partner has become a regular partner, we would both get tested for STIs before stopping using condoms. (Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with this). 1 Agree strongly 2 Agree 3 Neither agree nor disagree 4 Disagree 5 Disagree strongly 6 Don't know 7 Does not apply to me

[Chlam] Chlamydia (klam-id-ia) is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. There are often no symptoms and this is a problem as it can cause infertility, ectopic pregnancy and other infections. Please have a look at the following list and pick out the places where you think people can be tested for chlamydia. Please type the numbers of all the places you think provide this. If you want to pick more than one please press the space bar (the long button) between each number and then press enter when you are ready to move to the next question. 1 GP [Chlam1] 2 Accident and emergency department [Chlam2] 3 Sexual Health / GUM (Genito-Urinary Medicine) clinic [Chlam3] 4 Family Planning Clinic [Chlam4] 5 Young people's drop in centre [Chlam5] 6 All of these [Chlam6] 7 None of these [Chlam7] 8 Don't know [Chlam8]

Today at a press conference in Sarasota, Governor DeSantis announced that a record of nearly 24,000 people were tested for COVID-19 in Florida yesterday, May 4. The statewide positive rate of new cases also reached an all-time low of 2.61 percent.

The Governor also announced his directive to Secretary Mayhew to issue an emergency rule requiring hospitals to test all individuals that will be discharged to a long-term care facility, regardless of whether the individual is symptomatic.



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